Jan 11, 2022
Photo Credit: Tops Magazine
I was excited to sit down with @Topslex Tops Magazine of Lexington, Kentucky to discuss my design style and aesthetic!

Photo Credit: Tops Magazine
Tops Lexington is such a fabulous publication and I was thrilled to be part of their January magazine edition.

I love being able to share my background in the design world and why it is such an important part of my life.

Photo Credit: Tops Magazine
I really enjoyed discussing how important styling is when entertaining and creating memories through presentation.

Photo Credit: Tops Magazine
You can read my article in Tops Magazine here! I was also featured on their November issue cover below!

Photo Credit: Stephanie Veltri & Tops Magazine
This is my cover feature which I was thrilled to be a part of in their November issue. You can read the issue here at Tops Magazine!

Photo Credit: Stephanie Veltri
I am looking forward to being a part of more articles and publications as well as writing about design in the future.